I moved to Zürich seven years ago. Before that I have lived in Budapest and Barcelona. It hasn’t always been easy for me to feel immediately home in a new place. But little things on a daily basis remind me that home can be anywhere – sometimes it’s just how the sun shines through the trees. Sometimes it’s going to a pharmacy and asking for Neocitran, with them knowing what I mean. And sometimes it’s a guy playing music on the street. As you can see, for me being a local is strongly connected with my senses. But of course, having a network of friends in a certain place makes you feel like you belong. It’s when you walk down a street and meet somebody you know – then you know you’ve arrived. I also have rituals that I maintain in every place I live. For example, I always have my five favourite bars in a place, where I can sit in peace, read a book or just watch the people passing by. But sometimes you face barriers, such as the language. Sometimes people don’t make the same jokes if I’m around or they feel uncomfortable because they think they have to adapt. But I know it takes time for certain locals to get used to change. This is one reason why I created the open source online platform “Architecture for Refugees”. Our main target is to bring local people and refugees together: to connect, to learn, to create synergies, to break down barriers, to lose fear, to be open for new adventures.

– Bence


While welcoming in thousands of tourists every year, Kos presents its displaced arrivals with a very different, hidden reality. A large number of individuals are forced into homelessness while trying to start their new life in Greece, with devastating consequences.

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Each year, consumers purchase over 100 billion clothing items worldwide, driven by unsustainable demands for ‘fast fashion’, causing ecological disasters and human rights violations. Slow fashion offers an ethical alternative but how can we support this movement?

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Das Beste aus Zürichs Läden:
Mit bunten Bauchtaschen Frauen auf der Flucht unterstützen
Handgefertigte Stücke aus recycelten Stoffen, ein neuer Showroom für Inneneinrichtung und farbenfrohe Keramik – unsere Shoppingtipps der Woche.

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Erst wüteten in Griechenland verheerende Waldbrände, nun kämpft das Land mit schweren Überschwemmungen. Seit acht Jahren unterstützt Liska Bernet Schutzbedürftige an der EU-Aussengrenze. Im Interview berichtet sie, welche Auswirkung das Extremwetter für Schutzsuchende hat.

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Unveiling the harsh living conditions, limited resources, and daily challenges faced by people living within the walls of Greece’s prison-like refugee camps.

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Periods, bras, breastfeeding, motherhood. Take a look at some of the challenges unique to being a female refugee and how our center in Athens works to make life a little easier for these women.

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Glocal Roots
Limmatstrasse 206, 8005 Zurich