join us


Why become a member?

Your membership fees are invaluable to us because they provide a reliable annual foundation for our projects.

We are delighted to have a community of supporters behind us.

For just CHF 100 per year, you can join and sustainably support Glocal Roots.


  • You make an important impact on people with a refugee background and support a society based on solidarity.
  • You become part of a great organization and make vital projects possible.
  • You have a vote at our annual general meeting, allowing you to help shape the future direction of the organization and voice your concerns.
  • You will receive our annual report every year. 
  • You will receive regular updates on projects, event invitations, and more.
  • You have the opportunity to network and exchange ideas with like-minded individuals.

Glocal Roots Member


Glocal Roots Member


Glocal Roots Member


Glocal Roots is tax-exempt in the canton of Zurich. The membership is valid per calendar year. We will send you a confirmation once we have received the payment of the annual membership fee.

If you do not cancel your membership in writing by December 31 of the current year, we will automatically send you the invoice for the following year.

Do you have any questions? You can reach us at We will be happy to help you!